
For You: A Project by Women for Women

In 2023, For You was born, a project aimed at raising community awareness about the importance of breast cancer prevention by providing free breast exams to the female employees of participating companies.

The initiative is supported by ten female entrepreneurs from the Bergamo area, who have made unity a driving force to promote and enhance the project locally. What these women share is a strong sense of responsibility towards themselves and their colleagues, who will have the opportunity to undergo annual, free, on-site cancer prevention screenings.

The goal is to communicate health-related topics and, above all, to promote prevention. Data from 2022 shows that there were 58,000 recorded cases of breast cancer in Italy, with 10,000 of these in Lombardy and 830 in the Bergamo area alone.

Therefore, promoting primary prevention is imperative, including regular self-examination and clinical breast exams starting at age 20. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important to reduce the risk of developing the disease by 30-35%, by limiting smoking and alcohol consumption and engaging in physical activity.

The 29 participating companies and more than 400 women involved in the project confirm that prevention can no longer wait.

P.Plast invites you to join the change and become a key player in For You.